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reporting of data中文是什么意思

用"reporting of data"造句"reporting of data"怎么读"reporting of data" in a sentence


  • 资料的报告


  • Analysis and reporting of data is more accurate if the use of date management services is centralized in application design
  • Marketing research is the systematic design collection , analysis , and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company
  • Marketing research is the systematic design collection , analysis , and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company
  • Some preparatory work , including identification of an appropriate service provider and systems development to cater for the reporting of data , is also needed before the scheme to be operated , hopefully in the third quarter of 2004
  • However the data transferred from the jk2000 system must be deal with . thus the realization of management information system in locomotive depot and so on must be completed as soon as possible . there are lots of work which are being done in handwork fashion still in more than 100 locomotive depots , such as drawing locomotive turnover picture and managing the dispatching of stewards and the reporting of data to leadership units and so on
用"reporting of data"造句  
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